Our Favorite Projects of 2020 (So Far)



We love anything creative. And any time we can sing the praises of our valued client partners, you better believe we are going to seize the chance.  And, when we can add in some spotlight time for our creative design community, so much the better.  


So, we have hit the jackpot this year, which we realize is kind of a weird thing to say given all that we have all been through in this very odd year of 2020.  


But we are going to do it any way. We are going to show you some of the best and coolest projects we have been honored to be a part of this year. We can’t stress enough how gratifying it is to be entrusted not only to print and manufacture the amazing boxesinserts, and displays that carry the precious cargo but to be invited to sit at the table where the ideas, strategy, and planning happen. 


Consider this a big old love letter to all our clients, and to you, those who may someday find yourselves needing a fresh perspective on your big idea. We here at Packaging Design will always be waiting in the wings and ready to help you get your dream product into the hands of your customers safely, with beauty and creativity for them, and profit and solid brand integrity for you.  


Please enjoy these projects, and if you have any questions about the specifics please know that we are here to help you. 


Modern Sprout  Check out this unique product called a Growbar.  This product has such an unusual style of tab locking mailer and the insert which holds the Growbar in place, protected, and visible, with the plug and cords out of sight underneath. It marries practicality with a true design aesthetic. 


 DouleuRx  They make and market CBD products with “nano-Cannabinoids.”  One of the unique things about them is that they produce and create their product From farm to retail shelf” which is not something that very many companies can say. The best thing about this project from a design perspective is the variety of product which needed to be displayed.  This led to challenges such as lifting and holding all different products at the right height and keeping them in place to create an attractive and versatile counter tray.  DouleuRx’s choice to go with a full color label to showcase their product message resulted in a striking counter display. 


Wood Statements  We’ve featured this partner before, but we can’t miss another opportunity to say how much we loved working on Wood Statements packaging projects. You can see the full story here  and here .


We were so grateful to be so heavily involved in the strategic design and planning of this project, and the results were magnificent. We were able to deliver the one-of-a-kind sample kit that increased visibility and showcased the unique appeal of the clients’ offering. 


With over 50 years of experience in the craftsmanship of packaging, there is nothing we can’t do, and we welcome the opportunity to help you put a fresh pair of eyes (or our whole team for that matter) on your next project.