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A hand places a wooden block with the letter "H" at the end of a curved, upward-pointing black arrow. Sharp graphics adorn other blocks that spell "GROWTH" on a bright yellow background, symbolizing the concept of growth and upward progress.

Where the Growth is Happening

All companies want the same things. Profit. Growth. Liquidity. OK. We’ve just exhausted the entirety of the business lesson portion of today’s blog. When it comes to the corrugated packaging industry, and which sectors will be growing at the fastest

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A brown cardboard shipping box with black text that reads "Magnuson Group, 1400 Internationale Parkway, Woodridge, IL 60517 USA." The package has a blank "Ship To:" section in the upper right corner.

Corrugated: The 2020 Trendsetter

Packaging really can seem like a moving target when it comes to trying to predict the future. What better time than the new year to try to make some observations and predictions about what we see and might expect from

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A stylized logo with an abstract design featuring blue geometric shapes forming a partial square on the left, and three ascending green horizontal bars on the right. The sharp graphics lend a modern, minimalistic look, perfect for sleek package branding.

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